Friday, November 6, 2009

Artifical snowstorm cripples Beijing

Chinese scientists of the government agency for weather control wanted to end an enduring drought and created an artificial storm that was supposed to bring some rain to the region.

As you can see on this picture the scientists seem to have made a little calculation mistake and instead of rain they got 16 million tons of snow which crippled the infrastructure in Beijing ... traffic jams, flights canceled and even the power blackouts in several regions!

What do you think? Should agencies like the Chinese office for weather control really change the weather patterns like this or let mother nature regulate herself?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Couple survives car crash in their house

A college couple in Nevada miraculously survived with minor injuries when a drunk driver drove a car right through the wall of their house and onto their bed last week. They lay pinned to their mattress for about an hour until emergency workers showed up with chainsaws and released them. The accused, Eric Cross, had mistaken their house for one belonging to his ex-girlfriend and her new mate.
Dusty painting worth many times $900 asking price

A London ophthalmologist liked what he saw in a Lexington antique shop and paid $900 for a landscape painting. Dr. Jim Huffman took two weeks to decide and finally paid a little at a time to buy to 30-by-40 inch painting on layaway.

He told the Lexington Herald-Leader it was so dirty that he took it to a Cincinnati restoration expert for cleaning. Huffman said when the artist's name was uncovered, it was Robert Scott Duncanson, a noted 19th-century African-American painter.

The restoration expert appraised the work at $100,000. Antique shop owner Dennis Pigg said he bought the painting at a northern Kentucky estate sale a few months earlier.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prime Minister I most want to sing karaoke with

And the title goes to: Yukio Hatoyama, Japan's newly-elected Prime Minister!!

A few weeks ago the debut single "Take heart" of Hatoyama, recorded 1988, finally leaks to the internet - thanks YouTube!! Previously, the copies of the limited edition of the CD sold for 35.000 Yen (well, it's just about 300€ but hey, it's just a (below) average song :P)

For those of you who want to learn more - CNN got it covered ;)

Google Street View

Isn't it amazing to enjoy a tour through the streets of a city like New York with Googles Street View? Especially with the new high definition pictures!

Well, 42-year old Mike L. might not be as glad about this service - his wife Julie dumped him last week after a friend showed her a Street View picture of Mike heading out of a strip club (it turned out he went there 2-3 times a week).

Other funny street view pictures can be found here:
- check them out, it's really worth it :D