Thursday, November 26, 2009

Furzendes Schwein löst Gas-Alarm aus

Furzendes Schwein löst Gas-Alarm aus:15 Feuerwehrleute rücken extra dafür aus

Ein furzendes Schwein hat in Australien 15 Feuerwehrleute auf den Plan gerufen. Ein Bauer hatte sie alarmiert, weil er wegen des Gestanks eine undichte Gasleitung fürchtete. "Es war ziemlich eindeutig, was los war", sagte Feuerwehrmann Peter Harkins in einem Radiointerview. Die Familie aus Axedale habe eine 120 Kilo-Sau nur 20 Meter vom Haus entfernt gehalten. "Ich habe keine Ahnung, was sie der Sau zum Fressen gegeben hatten, aber wir haben sie deutlich gehört", sagte er.
Dem Bauer sei die Angelegenheit höchst peinlich gewesen. Er habe sich mehrfach entschuldigt. "Wir brauchten eine Weile, bis wir uns wieder eingekriegt haben, ehe wir mit ihm reden konnten" sagte Harkins. "Aber wir haben das sehr professionell gemacht. Wir haben ziemlich gekichert, als wir später wieder in der Feuerwehrwache waren."

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Heute, 19.11. ist Welttoilettentag!

Die höchste Toilette der Welt: In knapp 5.000 Metern Höhe befindet sich das Toilettenhäuschen des Mont Blanc.

Die weiblichste Toilette der Welt: Diamonds are a girls best friends


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staubsaugen per Wiimote

Gehört gewöhnliches Staubsaugen der Vergangenheit an?

Der Japaner Ron Tajima hat einen Staubsauger (Roomba) kurzerhand so umfunktioniert, dass sich dieser per Wiimote steuern lässt.

Zur Bedienung kann man auch das Balance Board verwenden, wenn man es lieber sportlich mag.Da macht Hausarbeit Spaß!

Zu dem außergewöhnlichen Projekt, das der kreative Kopf selbst als "Wiimba" bezeichnet, kann man sich auf Youtube zwei Videos anschauen.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Virtuelle Freundin - Küssen Sie Ihren Nintendo DS

Aus Japan kommt ein Nintendo-DS-Spiel, das gerne die virtuelle Freundin des Spielers sein will. Peinliche Szenen nicht ausgeschlossen.

In Japan sind sexuelle Phantasien beileibe kein Tabuthema. Deswegen sollte es keinen überraschen, dass Ende August Konami dort eine Dating-Simulation für die tragbare Konsole Nintendo DS veröffentlicht hat. Das Spielprinzip lässt sich recht einfach beschreiben: Man wählt eine Freundin aus einer fest vorgegebenen Auswahl und versucht sie im Laufe des Spieles so weit zu bezirzen, dass es etwas intimere Momente gibt.

Das Spiel geht dabei einen Schritt weiter als andere. So verlangt es auch Interaktionen mit der Konsole. In einem Interview auf einer Technologieseite gab vor kurzem ein verheirateter Mann aus Japan seine Erlebnisse mit der virtuellen Freundin Rinko zum Besten: »Ok, das ist ziemlich peinlich. Der DS hat ja ein Mikrophon und einen Touchscreen. Einmal forderte sie mich auf, hundert Mal 'Ich liebe dich' ins Mikrophon zu sagen. Ich saß gerade im Flugzeug, deswegen habe ich es dann doch nicht getan. Dann gibt es diesen anderen Teil, wo man ihre Hand auf dem Touchscreen halten soll. Wenn man ihre Hand mit dem Stylus antippt, hält man ihre Hand. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch eine Stelle, wo man sie küssen soll..«

Sciene fiction wird quasi Wirklichkeit: 1997 beschrieb der Science-fiction-Autor William Gibson in seinem Buch Idoru noch die theoretische Möglichkeit einer Beziehung zwischen einem Menschen und einer künstlichen Intelligenz. 2009 sollen angeblich japanische Männer ihren DS abends neben ihr Bett legen.


Stupid warning

What do you think about these signs?!

Schlechtes Gewissen

Nach fünf Jahrzehnten hat ein Amerikaner pflichtbewusst zwei ausgeliehene Schulbücher zurückgegeben - zusammen mit einem grosszügigen Scheck für die angefallenen Strafgebühren.

Der frühere Schüler wolle anonym bleiben, teilte die Bibliothek der Camelback High School in Arizona mit. Er hatte die 1959 ausgeliehenen Werke nach eigenen Angaben versehentlich eingepackt, als seine Familie in einen anderen US-Staat zog. Der beigefügte Scheck über 1000 Dollar soll demnach die Kosten von zwei Cents pro Buch für jeden überfälligen Tag decken.

Die Strafgebühr beläuft sich nach dieser Berechnung auf insgesamt rund 745 Dollar. Er habe aufgerundet, falls sich die Gebühren inzwischen verändert hätten, schrieb der reumütige Mann. Die zurückgegeben Bücher kommen nach Angaben von Bibliothekarin Georgette Bordine wieder ins Regal.


Riding a bike is difficult

If you ride a bike in Germany you should control your tail-light without moving your head substantial.


Hmm...How would you do that? Maby everybody who is riding a bike should carry a mirror with him/her.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Things you shouldn't do in NY

Following Laws exist and can be executed in the State of New York

-) Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”. NY State Law

-) The penalty for jumping off a building is death. NY State Law

-) Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited. NY State Law

-) It is illegal for a father to call his son a “faggot” or “queer” in an effort to curb “girlie behavior. NY State Law

Facebook’s ‘Sperminator’ gets girls pregnant in few clicks!

A British man has been tagged “The Sperminator” for getting twelve girls pregnant after wooing them on social networking site Facebook.

Five women are now raising his kids, five were talked into abortions and two are expecting.

For years, love rat Dominic Baronet - from Telford, Shropshire, secretly preyed on women with his smooth Internet patter.

Apart from this, the laptop lust hunter boasts a seedy history - a convicted drug dealer sentenced to four years for supplying cocaine and ecstasy.

Now, after discovering the truth, one of his most recent conquests Kerry Martin, 24, said: “Dominic should have a danger warning slapped on his Facbook page and be given a compulsory vasectomy to protect other girls.”

Kerry found out about Baronet’s cheating ways by keeping tabs on his page after he ditched her.

In no time, she spotted a congratulations message revealing he’d also got 24-year-old Stacy Jones pregnant around the same time.

When the girls started talking, they realised he’d impregnated them both on the same night.

“Dominic should be banned from Facebook. He uses it to juggle scores of girls. Some people treat it like a dating agency, he uses it as a cheating agency,” News of the World quoted Stacy as saying.

“We call him the Sperminator because he just goes around getting girls pregnant and doesn’t ever think about the consequences. He’s a good-looking fella and has more romantic lines than Barbara bloody Cartland. He could charm the birds out of the trees,” she added.


Eitler Dieb schickt besseres Fahndungsfoto

Ein wegen Einbruchs gesuchter Mann hat der Polizei skurrile Fahndungshilfe geleistet. Weil ihm sein eigenes Fahndungsfoto nicht gefiel, schickte der Gesuchte ein vorteilhafteres Bild von sich an die Lokalzeitung. Die Ermittler haben ihren Spaß.

Dieb, Polizei, Fahndungsfoto

Auf seiner Website zeigt die Lokalzeitung das Foto, das Maynard selbst eingeschickt hat©

Ein eitler Ganove hat einer britischen Zeitung ein neues Fahndungsfoto von sich geschickt. Für die Aufnahme posierte Matthew Maynard, der wegen Einbruchs von Ermittlern in Wales gesucht wird, ausgerechnet vor einem Polizeiauto. Der 23-Jährige schickte das Bild an die Lokalzeitung , die zuvor ein unvorteilhaftes Porträtfoto des Mannes gedruckt hatte.

Die Polizei hatte das alte Bild örtlichen Medien gegeben, um von der Öffentlichkeit Hinweise zu bekommen. Das neue Foto wurde von der Zeitung prompt auf der ersten Seite gedruckt. Die Polizei freute sich über die unverhoffte Fahndungshilfe. "Er hält sich für sehr schlau, sich so aufzuspielen - aber wir werden ihn bald haben. Was für ein Idiot", zitierte die "Daily Mail" am Samstag einen Ermittler.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Artifical snowstorm cripples Beijing

Chinese scientists of the government agency for weather control wanted to end an enduring drought and created an artificial storm that was supposed to bring some rain to the region.

As you can see on this picture the scientists seem to have made a little calculation mistake and instead of rain they got 16 million tons of snow which crippled the infrastructure in Beijing ... traffic jams, flights canceled and even the power blackouts in several regions!

What do you think? Should agencies like the Chinese office for weather control really change the weather patterns like this or let mother nature regulate herself?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Couple survives car crash in their house

A college couple in Nevada miraculously survived with minor injuries when a drunk driver drove a car right through the wall of their house and onto their bed last week. They lay pinned to their mattress for about an hour until emergency workers showed up with chainsaws and released them. The accused, Eric Cross, had mistaken their house for one belonging to his ex-girlfriend and her new mate.
Dusty painting worth many times $900 asking price

A London ophthalmologist liked what he saw in a Lexington antique shop and paid $900 for a landscape painting. Dr. Jim Huffman took two weeks to decide and finally paid a little at a time to buy to 30-by-40 inch painting on layaway.

He told the Lexington Herald-Leader it was so dirty that he took it to a Cincinnati restoration expert for cleaning. Huffman said when the artist's name was uncovered, it was Robert Scott Duncanson, a noted 19th-century African-American painter.

The restoration expert appraised the work at $100,000. Antique shop owner Dennis Pigg said he bought the painting at a northern Kentucky estate sale a few months earlier.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prime Minister I most want to sing karaoke with

And the title goes to: Yukio Hatoyama, Japan's newly-elected Prime Minister!!

A few weeks ago the debut single "Take heart" of Hatoyama, recorded 1988, finally leaks to the internet - thanks YouTube!! Previously, the copies of the limited edition of the CD sold for 35.000 Yen (well, it's just about 300€ but hey, it's just a (below) average song :P)

For those of you who want to learn more - CNN got it covered ;)

Google Street View

Isn't it amazing to enjoy a tour through the streets of a city like New York with Googles Street View? Especially with the new high definition pictures!

Well, 42-year old Mike L. might not be as glad about this service - his wife Julie dumped him last week after a friend showed her a Street View picture of Mike heading out of a strip club (it turned out he went there 2-3 times a week).

Other funny street view pictures can be found here:
- check them out, it's really worth it :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prohibition to die in the Londoner Parliament

In the Londoner Parliament (House of Commons) it is forbidden by law to die.

According to a survey from a TV channel in Great Britain 28% of the sampled population say that this is the most nonsensical law.



So the representatives of the House of Commons (about 600) should pay attention to their health, so that they are not endangered to get for example a heart attack during a conference.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Loch Ness Monster - protected animal

Please imagine: In England the Loch Ness Monster is a protected animal by law.


Animal rights, also referred to as animal liberation, is the idea that the most basic interests of animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of humans. Advocates approach the issue from different philosophical positions but agree that animals should be viewed as legal persons and members of the moral community, not property, and that they should not be used as food, clothing, research subjects, or entertainment.


What do you think...what animals should also be protected by law? ;-)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to make big money by eating like a pig

Lasst week this presumably single guy became the world Burrito Eating Champion by downing 33.5 burritos in 10 minutes and ended up having his fat face splattered all over the news papers.

Now, the question is: why didn’t Taco Bell

sponsor this competition in order to get all the free publicity? Which brings us to our money making scheme: make a career out of having corporations sponsor your disgusting food fetish!

Another celebrity in the hall of fame of eaters is the world's fastest hot dog eater - Joey Chesnut (picture to the right) - he won the world famous Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest by eating 68 hot dogs in only 10 minutes! Prize: 20.000 US$. Additionally, he holds world records for eating:

10.5 pounds of macaroni and cheese in 7 minutes
9.8 pounds pork rib meat in 12 minutes
4.5 pounds of steak plus sides in less than 9 minutes
241 chicken wings
103 Krystal Hamburgers in 8 minutes

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Austria - Spittoons in ballrooms

In Austria it is still valid law that in ballrooms, which are approved for more than 200 people, need to be spittoons in a regular gap.

Please imagine the Opera Ball with spittoons!

Simpsons as role models

Homer loves beer and donuts but as the Simpsons are a very popular family they have to come over with problems, we all have. So the British Healt Minister Gilian Merron decided, that with the familiarity of the Simpsons it would be possible to communicate the desires oft the government.

Healthy Eating and Fitness will be the first topic
For now, the Simpsons still eat unhealthy fast food, but this should be replaced with healthy snacks step by step. This will give advice on fitness and health.


What do you think about it? Could you imagine Homer without drinking beer and eating his donut?

Bunnies keep Swedes warm

Green energy is a key factor in the worlds efforts to accomplish the defeat of global warming. The car industry is counting on hybrid technology and invests more and more in electro cars. The energy industry sees its future not in oil
but in gas and solar power. Sweden and more in detail Stockholm apparently got some other plans...

According to the swedish "The Local" the city of Stockholm is turning to another alternative engergy source: RABBITS.
If you should be thinking of cute little bunnies, running in a wheel trying to catch a delicious
carrot, then you are kind of wrong. In fact, instead of using rabbits to power the city with green "moving" energy Stockholm decided to do the right and ... easiest thing: to burn them...

In fact, Stockholm's parks are suffering from a huge rabbit problem. To protect the trees and shrubbery in the city they need to battle those little bastards. And instead of throwing those little bodies away they had a more innovative way of doing so...

Good idea or bad idea ... efficient or horrible ... in any case ... I WONT TELL MY LITTLE COUSINS!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Iraqi trader forgets 10kg of gold at Dubai Airport

Dubai: An Iraqi trader who forgot 10 kilogrammes of gold at the Dubai International Airport, Terminal Two, while leaving for home on Tuesday, has retrieved his gold from Brig Omar Al Attar, Deputy Director of the General Department of Airport Security.

10kg of gold (or 352 oz) are worth more than 360.000 US$ and the Iraqi trader carried 300kg total of the precious metal - 11 mio US$!!!

Damn, how can you lose 10kg of GOLD!!! And how can you be stupid enough to carry it yourself in the first place?!?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Disney-Robot can sense if you're happy

Disney unveiled it's first-ever robot that can hear, see and sense whether or not you’re in the room. Yes, “Otto” (picture to the left) is interactive. The robot can sense if you’re happy, hold conversations and react, according to Imagineer Scott Trowbridge.

Otto is based on the new Autonomatronics technology which is different from Audio-Animatronics technology. Audio-Animatronics technology repeats a pre-programmed show over and over again. Autonomatronics technology is driven by sophisticated cameras and sensors giving Otto the ability to make choices about what to say and do.

What do you think about robots that can sense feelings and what do you think will be next?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spanish Airforce shot down UFO!

A fisherman in northern Spain films how several jets chase an unidentified flying object (UFO) and take it down.

Watch the movie:

Swedish town full of sex-mad lesbians

Tourism staff are being swamped with queries from Chinese men over a myth about a Swedish town populated only by 25,000 sex-mad lesbians.

The mysterious 'Chako Paul City' in Sweden was said to have been founded by a wealthy, man-hating widow in 1820.

A pair of blonde female sentries are said to stand guard at the town and men wishing to enter risk being "beaten half to death" by police.

News reports of the city have crippled China's internet providers as millions of goggle-eyed men read up on the town's rampant women and try to find out how to get there.

Source: The Sun -

Friday, October 9, 2009

College issues dress code --- for teachers

It is normally students who are sent home for inappropriate attire, but one English college is threatening to send lecturers home for violating a dress code, which includes a ban on jeans.

Their union has accused Birmingham Metropolitan College of "acting like the fashion police."

The newly re-issued dress code requires lecturers to wear a "business suit; smart jacket and co-ordinating trousers or skirt; smart shirt/top/blouse or smart dress."

Scruffy trousers, jeans, ostentatious jewelry and outrageous hair styles and colors are strictly banned.

Earrings must not be excessive and are the only form of jewelry allowed in visible piercings. The policy also states that tattoos must be covered.

Source: Reuters and

For the busy executive - an anti H1N1 suit

For the executive who doesn't have time to come down with the flu, a Japanese company has invented a new form of protection -- the anti-H1N1 suit.

Menswear company Haruyama Trading claims the suit can protect wearers from the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, as it is coated with titanium dioxide, a chemical commonly used in toothpaste and cosmetics and that breaks down when reacting with light, supposedly killing the virus upon contact.

I wonder if this suit looks like this one :P


Gaza zoo's zebra really a painted donkey

A POVERTY-stricken zoo in Gaza is in such a dire state that it has resorted to painting stripes on a donkey so it could have its own "zebra".

The Marah zoo, not far from the Bureij refugee camp and littered with broken-down animal toys, was showing off the bizarre creature claiming it was one of the exotic African beasts.

"It's really a painted donkey," admitted the zoo's director Mahmud Berghat when asked about the creature.
After explaining that the zoo used hair dye on the unsuspecting donkey, Mr Berghat said: "We cut its hair short and then painted the stripes."
Despite the confused four-legged beast hardly being able to fool zoologists, the "zebra" has been a hit with the thousands of Gaza-bound school children who have never seen such an exotic animal.

"But don't tell anyone," Mr Berghat said. "The children love him."

Nasa scientists "bomb" moon in search for water!

The plan is to slam two unmanned spacecraft into a dark crater at the lunar south pole, kicking up a six-mile high dust cloud that may contain water.

British researchers helped Nasa pick the spot for the drama, which will be broadcast live on the American space agency's website.

It is believed water ice could lie at the bottom of dark craters at the Moon's poles, where temperatures are lower than minus 170C.

The crashing spacecraft consist of an orbiter, LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite), which is now mapping the lunar surface, and its 2.2 tonne empty Centaur launch rocket.

Both are currently on collision course with the Moon and still attached together.

In the early hours, British time, the probe and rocket will separate. Then at 12.31pm the larger rocket will smash into the crater at 5,600 mph, blasting out 350 tonnes of debris in a 6.2 mile high plume.

Following close behind, the LCROSS satellite beaming live pictures back to Earth will fly through the material and four minutes later plunge into the crater itself. LCROSS will trigger its own dust cloud a third of the size of the first one.

As the debris is propelled into sunlight, scientists on Earth will study its composition with ground-based telescopes.

To follow the current development take a look at the NASA Blog of LCROSS Flight Director Paul Tompkins on

Marge Simpson naked in the Playboy magazine

To celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the cult series "The Simpsons", Hugh Hefner decided to go for a special cover girl - Marge Simspon herself will grace the november editon of the US magazine.


What do you think: which comic character should be next?

Forbidden dance events in legal holidays

In Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria) it is not allowed to arrange dance events on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday or Easter Sunday that last the whole day. But it is allowed to arrange shorter ones.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

US laws - States A - D

Ignorantia juris non excusat - or in plain english, ignorance of the law is no excuse so better take a look at the following US laws!

It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle.
Women are able to retain all property they owned prior to marriage in the case of divorce. However, this provision does not apply to men.

It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.
While it is legal to shoot bears, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.

There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
You may not have more than two dildos in a house.

A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Oral sex is considered to be sodomy.

Bathhouses are against the law.
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

Aspen - Catapults may not be fired at buildings.
Alamosa - Keeping a house where unmarried persons are allowed to have sex is prohibited.

Town records may not be kept where liquor is sold.
It is illegal to discharge a firearm from the public highway.

Alcoholic beverages may not be served/sold/provided on the premises of any dance hall establishments.
No person shall change clothes in his or her vehicle.

Further states & laws will follow shortly!